Improving Concentration

Copyright 2007 © Laraine Flemming.
Permission to copy this material is granted exclusively to instructors and students using textbooks written by Laraine Flemming. General distribution and redistribution are strictly prohibited.

Directions: Here is a concentration checklist. Make two copies. Fill out one copy now and the other a week from now. Your goal is to turn every "no" into a "yes."

1. Do you give yourself general time limits for each assignment? ____

2. Do you allot a specific number of pages to be covered per session? ____

3. Does the number of pages you allot vary with the difficulty of the text? ____

4. Do you try to study at the same time and in the same place every day? ____

5. If you feel like quitting before the time you allotted for study is up, do you find ways to keep working such as taking a quick break to perk yourself up? ____

6. While you study, do you consistently think about which passages are more important than others? ____

7. Do you consistently take notes, ask questions, and make comments in the margins of your text? ____

8. Do you vary your reading strategies to suit the material, for example, draw diagrams for biology and make time lines for history? ____

9. If you feel your concentration flagging, do you use positive self-talk to get back on track? (For example: "I’m not giving up on this assignment; I can concentrate for at least ten more minutes.") ____

10. When you study, do you assume the rule of a critical reader intent on analyzing and questioning the author’s point of view? ____

11. Do you take a ten-minute break for every hour you study? ____

12. Do you mentally pat yourself on the back every time you finish your assignment within the time limits you set for yourself? ____

13. If you plan on studying for two hours or more, are you careful to vary the subjects you study? ____

14. Do you actively look for study partners who will help you stay focused on your work and your goals? ____

Last change made to this page: Feb. 28, 2014

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