Reading Keys - Online Practice
Understanding the Terms General and Specific

Copyright 2006 © Laraine Flemming.
The right to copy this material is granted exclusively to instructors and students using textbooks written by Laraine Flemming. General distribution and redistribution are strictly prohibited.

Directions: In each group of three words, one word is general enough to include the other two. The other two words are equally specific. Select the most general word. Click the Submit button when you are done. You will receive a score and find explanations in boxes to the right of the choices.

1. When she was twelve, she hated her gargantuan height, which made her tower over the boys in the class. But as the eighteen-year-old star of her college basketball team, she gloried in it.
a. clothing

b. blouse
c. shirt

a. tigers

b. lions
c. creatures

a. Tide

b. soap powder
c. Ivory

a. saw

b. drill
c. tool

a. entertainer

b. Madonna
c. Sting

a. waltz

b. dance
c. tango

a. desk

b. furniture
c. sofa

a. feeling

b. anger
c. joy

a. chips

b. pretzels
c. snacks

a. Ebony

b. magazine
c. Time

Last change made to this page: 02/24/06

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