The following vocabulary words are defined in the chapter. Print this list. Each time you locate a definition, add the definition to this list. Study the list at odd moments until the words are part of your vocabulary.
Vocabulary Word | Definition |
acquisition |
acrid |
acronyms |
adhere |
adherents |
advocate |
allusion |
ambiguous |
ambivalent |
anecdotes |
antidote |
attributed |
audacity |
automaticity |
barren |
belligerent |
bigamy |
bilateral |
bizarrely |
blurted |
bravado |
candor |
charismatic |
chronic |
chronological |
circuitous |
circumvent |
clichés |
cogent |
cognition |
coherent |
commenced |
compelling |
compensation |
component |
comprehensive |
connotations |
consent |
conventional |
correlation |
credentials |
credible |
credulous |
crude |
delusions |
denotations |
dermatitis |
dictum |
disassociate |
disclaimer |
disfigured |
disputing |
disreputable |
dissect |
dissidents |
domicile |
eccentric |
emaciated |
embodiment |
ensuing |
equivalent |
evokes |
exonerated |
explicit |
exploitation |
extract |
extraneous |
extricate |
fiction |
fictitious |
fluctuations |
frivolous |
generated |
genesis |
gregarious |
gridlock |
guffawed |
hedonistic |
hurled |
hypothesis |
immobile |
immobilized |
implacable |
implications |
incarceration |
inclination |
incompatible |
innovations |
inherently |
intervening |
intrinsic |
irrational |
justification |
lexicographer |
longevity |
loquacious |
lore |
lucrative |
maligning |
metaphor |
mnemonic devices |
mobile |
modified |
monotheism |
multiplicity |
multitudes |
omniscient |
omnivorous |
paternity |
perceptive |
perforated |
permeable |
placated |
plight |
polygamy |
polytheism |
populous |
preceding |
predatory |
predominantly |
preliminary |
prelude |
pre-owned |
proponents |
proximity |
pseudonyms |
punitive |
radical |
recklessness |
reconversion |
rectified |
redeem |
repellent |
reverberation |
revitalized |
satirical |
scavenging |
simile |
socialized |
stereotyping |
stigma |
stimulation |
subdue |
submersing |
subordinate |
subsequent |
supercilious |
superfluous |
synchronized |
synonym |
systematically |
tantalizing |
terminated |
trounced |
upheaval |
validity |
vitiated |
vocal |
volatile |
vulnerable |
Last change made to this page: February 20, 2007