Reading Keys
Test 6: Recognizing Topic Sentences

Copyright 2006 © Laraine Flemming.
The right to copy this material is granted exclusively to instructors and students using textbooks written by Laraine Flemming. General distribution and redistribution are strictly prohibited.

Directions: Read each passage along with the topic sentences that follow. Fill in the blank with the topic sentence that best fits the rest of the paragraph.


First of all, we must prevent environmental damage by reducing the amount of trash we discard. According to the EPA, we can consume and throw away less by buying long-lasting goods. We should also buy products with the least toxins and the least wasteful packaging. Secondly, we must reuse things as much as possible. Instead of throwing things out, for example, we can repair them, sell them, or donate them to charity. We can also use durable containers rather than paper or foam ones, cloth towels instead of paper towels, and refillable pens. Finally, says the EPA, we must recycle and buy recycled products. Recycling turns materials like glass, metal, plastics, and paper into valuable resources and keeps them from becoming harmful waste. (Source of information: Environmental Protection Agency, "Small Changes Can Make 3 R's Part of Life," The Charlotte Observer, April 22, 2004, p. 2A.)

Topic Sentences:


According the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling will not be enough to preserve the environment.


To help protect and preserve the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urges us all to practice the "Three R's": reduce, reuse, and recycle.


The Environmental Protection Agency is one of our country's most effective government organizations.


Most people are familiar with Venus Flytrap, the plant that lures, traps, and eats insects. The Venus Flytrap is the most famous of the carnivorous, or meat-eating, plants.
A plant called sundews, for example, bears stalks. The end of each stalk carries nectar that tempts insects. The bugs stick to these stalks and are then digested by the plant. Some of the trumpet-shaped American Pitcher Plants actually drug insects with narcotics, causing the bugs to topple into the plant to be eaten. The Bladderworts, which live in wet areas, hold bladders below the waterline. When a swimming creature bumps into long, hairlike organs on the bladder, a trapdoor opens and sucks in the creature. But the biggest, and perhaps the most amazing, of the carnivorous plants are the vines known as the Tropical Pitcher Plants. Some of these plants are able to capture and eat not only insects but also frogs and even rodents. (Source of information: The International Carnivorous Plant Society,

Topic Sentences:


The sundews, however, are much more famous.


The Venus Flytrap, however, is very different from other kinds of plants.


However, there are many other carnivorous plants.


Vitamins are essential to good health.
In one study, 93 percent of people who suffered from chronic muscle or bone pain lacked enough vitamin D. Another study done by Harvard University showed that vitamin D, which we get mainly from sunlight, fatty fish, orange juice, and breakfast cereals, prevents bone fractures better than calcium does. Vitamin D also reduces the risk of getting arthritis by one-third. Getting the proper amount of vitamin D lowers blood pressure and seems to slow the growth of cancer cells. Furthermore, adequate vitamin D reduces the risk of getting multiple sclerosis by 50 percent and schizophrenia by 90 percent. (Source of information: Jean Carper, "D, Definitely," USA Weekend, May 7-9, 2004, p. 4.)

Topic Sentences:


Therefore, everyone should take a multivitamin pill every day.


Vitamin D, in particular, is essential for the prevention of many serious diseases.


Daily exercise, too, is essential for good health.


Many counterfeit products—from "designer" clothes to sunglasses to toys—are peddled out of the backs of trucks, at street-vendor stalls, or at flea markets. The low prices of these items may tempt you to buy them.
For one thing, counterfeit goods can pose safety hazards. Children's toys may be dangerous, car parts may not perform properly, and personal hygiene products may contain harmful bacteria. These products usually come without a guarantee. Thus, you will not be able to hold anyone accountable if they are defective. In addition, you'll find that you didn't really save money because counterfeit goods are almost always poor in quality. They won't last or give good results, and they are often not worth even the lower price. Worst of all, counterfeit goods may be stolen. Therefore, you may face legal action for possessing them. (Source of information: "Counterfeit Products: Savings Can Carry Risks," The Charlotte Observer, January 18, 2004, p. 2A.)

Topic Sentences:


But you should realize that the buying or selling of counterfeit products is unethical.


However, you should not purchase counterfeit products.


Therefore, you should learn to recognize the signs of a counterfeit product.


Studies show that doing yard work regularly provides a healthy workout. As a matter of fact, according to research at the University of Arkansas, female gardeners over 50 have stronger bones than women who jog, swim, walk, or bicycle. Gardening is also a good form of therapy following injuries or strokes. Working with plants requires the use of both large and small muscles and different kinds of motor skills. It also distracts patients from their pain. In addition, being around plants can reduce stress. In a University of California at Irvine study of stressed-out young adults, participants who spent time in nature had lower blood pressure than participants who did not spend time in a natural setting. A Texas A&M University study found that surgical patients who have rooms with landscape views recover faster than patients in rooms that do not have landscape views. (Source of information: Lisa McLaughlin, "Flower Power," Time, May 2004, "Connections" Bonus Section.)

Topic Sentences:


Working in or just being near a garden can improve both physical and mental health.


People who garden are healthier than people who don't garden.


Gardening is a fun and interesting hobby for people of all ages.

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Test 7Reading Keys: Additional Material

Last change made to this page: Feb. 27, 2014